ExerCube is the result of a collaboration between sports scientists and game designers. Thus, it combines the best of fitness and gaming. It’s another great tool to keep us active in the technological age. In fact, it offers all the characteristics we seek when we think of physical activity today: science-based workouts, gamification, effectiveness, and accessibility.
It is truly meant for everybody: kids, adults, seniors, professional athletes, people with disabilities. Thanks to its research-based and user-centered design, it can adapt to any wants and needs.
As the name suggests, ExerCube is like a workout cubicle, a space only for yourself and your growth.
It is primarily intended as a fitness game solution to spice up gyms and fitness centers. However, it can also be a great addition in arcades, child and family entertainment centers, or events.
Speaking of, have you heard of the ExerCube League?!
A big breakthrough for physical esports, the first ExerCube League is live now!
Want to find out more? book a demo.